Perfect Pan-Seared Steaks Recipe (2024)

Why It Works

  • Pre-salting the meat seasons it fully and gives enough time for any juices drawn out by the salt to be re-absorbed, guaranteeing better browning later.
  • Flipping the steaks back and forth as they cook maximizes browning while minimizing an overcooked layer under the surface.
  • A final bath in melted butter takes these steaks over the top in flavor and texture.

Today we're getting back to the basics, exploring a few of the simplest, yet most persistent points of contention amongst steak-fryers and grillers.

Perfect Pan-Seared Steaks Recipe (1)

If you've been a longtime reader of the Food Lab, you've already got your head around a few of the basics, likewhy you should cut against the grain(it makes for more tender bites), orwhy you need to rest your steakafter cooking it (keeps it nice and juicy). If you're really clever, you'll figure out how to apply some of the principles outlined in ourRoasted and Reverse Seared Prime Ribrecipe and tests onhow often you should flip a burgerto ensure that your steak is cooked perfectly evenly from edge to center (hint: warm it up first, flip it over and over as it cooks). Want the ultimate in even cooking and tenderness? Try cooking itin a beer cooler, using thissous-vide steak primerfor temperature guidelines.

Yeah, I like beef, I guess.

But, if being married has taught me anything, no matter how much of an expert you are in a given subject, there's always more to learn. Take memorizing dates, for example. Apparently just anniversaries aren't good enough—I've also got to find room in my head for birthdays. Luckily, hers falls two days before Dumpling's (which is today!). This makes it both an easy date to remember, and a very hard date to remember on time. D'oh! Happy belated birthday, dear.

Anyhow, today, we move on to discuss a few more of my favorite steak-related things: salting, poking, and searing, in that order.

When to Salt Steak

Read a half dozen cookbooks or listen to a half dozen celebrity chefs, and you're likely to hear at least as many different responses as to when you should salt your meat. Some claim salting immediately before putting it in the pan is best. Others opt not to salt the meat at all, instead salting the pan and placing the meat directly on top. Still, others insist on salting and resting for up to a few days in advance.Who's right?

To test this, I bought myself a half dozen thick-cut bone-in ribeyes (I love the smile butchers get in their eyes when you do this) and salted them at 10-minute intervals before searing them in a hot skillet. So the last steak went into a pan immediately after salting, while the first steak went in a full 50 minutes after salting. All of the steaks were allowed to rest at room temperature for the full 50 minutes, ensuring that they were all at the same starting temperature before the cooking began.

Perfect Pan-Seared Steaks Recipe (2)

The results?The steaks that were saltedimmediately beforecooking and those that weresalted and rested for at least 40 minutesturned out far better than those that were cooked at any point in between. What was up with those 10, 20, and 30-minute steaks?

Here's what's going on.

  • Immediately after saltingthe salt rests on the surface of the meat, undissolved. All the steak's juices are still inside the muscle fibers. Searing at this stage results in a clean, hard sear.
  • Within three or four minutesthe salt, through the process ofosmosis,will begin to draw out liquid from the beef. This liquid beads up on the surface of the meat. Try to sear at this point and you waste valuable heat energy simply evaporating this large amount of pooled liquid. Your pan temperature drops, your sear is not as hard, and crust development and flavor-building Maillard browning reactions are inhibited.
  • Starting at around 10 to 15 minutes,the brine formed by the salt dissolving in the meat's juices will begin to break down the muscle structure of the beef, causing it to become much more absorptive. The brine begins to slowly work its way back into the meat.
  • By the end of 40 minutes,most of the liquid has been reabsorbed into the meat. A small degree of evaporation has also occurred, causing the meat to be ever so slightly more concentrated in flavor.

Not only that, but I found that even after the liquid has been reabsorbed, it doesn't stop there. As the meat continues to rest past 40 minutes, the salt and brine will slowly work their way deeper and deeper into the muscle structure, giving you built-in seasoning beyond just the outer surface you'd get from cooking right after salting or salting the skillet.

Indeed, the absolute best steak I had was one that I had salted on both sides then allowed to rest on a rack overnight in the refrigerator uncovered.It appears to dry out slightly, but it's only superficial—the amount of drying that occurs from an overnight rest (about 5% moisture loss) is negligible compared to the amount of moisture driven off during cooking anyway (upwards of 20%, even more in the hard-seared edges). As the salt makes its way back into the meat, you'll probably also notice that it becomes a deeper color. That's because the dissolved proteins scatter slightly differently than they did when they were still whole.

Moral of the story:If you've got the time, salt your meat for at least 40 minutes and up to overnight before cooking. If you haven't got 40 minutes, it's better to season immediately before cooking. Cooking the steak anywhere between three and 40 minutes after salting is the worst way to do it.

Searing for the Perfect Crust

There's not all that much new ground to cover here—we all know that searing absolutely positively doesnot"seal in juice," right? It serves as a means of adding color and flavor and enhancing texture.That's all. We also know that the absolutebestway to sear is to flip your meat frequently as it cooks so that it cooks evenly from both sides, cooks faster, and develops less of the gray, overcooked zone that you get from a traditional one-side-then-the-other-side sear, right?*

*See the links at the top if you don't believe me.

But what's the best medium to sear in? Butter, or oil? Some claim that a mixture of both is best, often using the excuse that butter alone has too low a smoke point—it begins to burn and turn black at temperature too low to properly sear meat in. Somehow, cutting the butter with a bit of oil is supposed to raise this smoke point. Unfortunately, that's not true. It's because when we say that "butter is burnt," we're not really talking about the butter as a whole—we're talking specifically about themilk proteinsin butter. The little white specks you see when you melt it. It's these milk proteins that burn when you get them too hot, and believe me—they couldn't care less whether they're being cooked in butterfat or in oil. Either way, they burn.

Perfect Pan-Seared Steaks Recipe (3)

What all this means is that the best cooking medium for a steak is actually plain old oil. At least to start.Adding butter to the pan just a minute or two before you finish cooking is not a bad idea. This is just enough time to allow the buttery flavor and texture (butter is creamier tasting than oil because it has a higher percentage of saturated fat) to coat the meat, but not so long that it will burn excessively, producing acrid undertones.

So for searing, let me explain. No, there is too much. Let me sum up: Get oil smoking hot in a heavy pan. Add salted and peppered steak and cook, flipping every 15 to 30 seconds until the desired internal temperature is almost reached. Add butter to the pan and continue to cook until the steak is done. Remove from pan.

Follow that summary, and what you've got is a steak that'snearlyperfect. What's missing, you ask?

Well, assuming you like your steaks as thick as I do, there's a significant edge that sees little to no direct action during the entire searing process, and that edge is often the fattiest, most delicious part of the steak. It deserves love just as much as the next guy.

Here's what you do:

Perfect Pan-Seared Steaks Recipe (4)

Got it? Good.

Checking for Doneness

Watch aJohnsonville Bratcommercial, and you'll be told that poking with a fork is one of the cardinal sins of sausage cookery, and they're right. A sausage has an impermeable casing for a reason: to keep all of those rendered fats and juices right in there with the meat. Pierce it, create a hole, and you'll see a fountain of golden juices spring forth. A steak, on the other hand, has no such casing to protect it, so is it ok to poke or not?

I cooked two steaks of known weight side by side. The first, I carefully turned withtongseach time. The second, I used afourchette de cuisine(that's fancy-pants for one of those two-pronged forks), completely indiscriminately, mercilessly (though not excessively) poking the steak this way and that as I flipped it. Afterward, I weighed both steaks again. The result?Exactly the same weight loss.

Perfect Pan-Seared Steaks Recipe (5)

The thing is, with steaks, moisture loss is due to one thing: muscle fibers tightening due to the application of heat and squeezing out their liquid. Unless you actually manage to completely pierce or slash these muscle fibers, the moisture they lose is directly proportional to the temperature to which you cook your steak.A fork is simply not sharp enough to harm muscle fibers in any significant way.Yes, you'll see a minuscule amount of juices seeping their way out of the fork holes, but it's a really negligible amount. Indeed, that's why the many-bladed tenderizing tool known as aJaccardis able to tenderize your meat without causing it to lose any excess moisture—it separates muscle fibers, but doesn't actually cut them or open them up.

What about that most-shunned of techniques, the old cut-and-peek? Surely, actually slashing a cooking steak open with a knife and looking inside is going to have a detrimental effect on it, right?

Perfect Pan-Seared Steaks Recipe (6)

Well, yes and no. Yes, a knife actually severs muscle fibers, allowing them to leak their contents to the outside world. But the amount of moisture loss is really very minimal. Cut-and-peektoomany times, and you run the risk of shredding your steak. In reality though, one or two peeks won't really be detectable in the end product.

But there's a bigger problem with the cut-and-peek method: It's not accurate.Because of the fact that juices get squeezed out quickly from hot meat, when you cut into the center of a still-hot steak (like one that's sitting in the pan), it'll appear to be much rarer than it really is. If you continue to cook your steak until it appears right by the cut-and-peek method, it'll be overcooked by the time you actually eat it. And thick steaks continue to rise in temperature even after being removed from the pan.

What does that mean? It means that if you haven't yet, you should go out and get yourself a good, accuratedigital thermometer, duh!

Perfect Pan-Seared Steaks Recipe (7)

Nowthatis a steak worth fretting over!

March 2011

This recipe has been edited to clarify the searing and resting steps.

Recipe Details

Perfect Pan-Seared Steaks Recipe

Prep5 mins

Cook25 mins

Active20 mins

Resting Time40 mins

Total70 mins

Serves2 servings


  • 2 bone-in ribeye steaks, at least 1 1/2 inches thick, about 1 pound (450g) each (see note)

  • Kosher salt

  • 2 tablespoons (30ml) oil

  • Freshly ground black pepper

  • 2 tablespoons (30g) butter

  • A few thyme sprigs and sliced shallots (optional)


  1. Pat steaks dry with paper towels. Season liberally with salt. Allow to rest at room temperature for at least 40 minutes and up to 2 hours. Alternatively, place on a plate or on a rack over a baking sheet in the refrigerator overnight. Remove from refrigerator at least 40 minutes before cooking.

    Perfect Pan-Seared Steaks Recipe (8)

  2. In a large stainless-steel or cast iron skillet, heat oil over high heat until heavily smoking. Season steaks with pepper, add to pan, and cook, flipping frequently with tongs until well browned on all sides (including edges, which you can sear by holding steaks sideways with tongs) and the internal temperature has reached 110°F (43°C) for rare or 130°F (54°C) for medium (steak will continue to cook for a bit afterward), 6 to 12 minutes depending on thickness.

    Perfect Pan-Seared Steaks Recipe (9)

  3. Add butter and optional aromatics to pan and continue to cook, flipping often, for an additional 2 minutes. Remove from pan and let rest in a warm place for at least 5 minutes before serving.

    Perfect Pan-Seared Steaks Recipe (10)

Special Equipment

Large stainless steel skillet or cast iron skillet, instant-read thermometer, wire rack and rimmed baking sheet (optional)


An equivalent weight of porterhouse, T-bone, tenderloin, or strip steak can be used in place of ribeye steak. Try to get steaks at least one and a half inches thick. It's better to cook a bigger steak and portion it after cooking than to try to cook thinner steaks.

Read More

  • 7 Myths About Cooking Steak That Need to Go Away
  • Four Expensive Steak Cuts to Know
  • Ribeyes
  • Stovetop Beef
  • Beef Mains
Perfect Pan-Seared Steaks Recipe (2024)


How do you pan sear a steak perfectly? ›

Let me sum up: Get oil smoking hot in a heavy pan. Add salted and peppered steak and cook, flipping every 15 to 30 seconds until the desired internal temperature is almost reached. Add butter to the pan and continue to cook until the steak is done. Remove from pan.

Is it better to pan sear steak in butter or oil? ›

WHICH IS BEST FOR COOKING STEAK: BUTTER OR OIL? Unlike butter, many oils have higher smoke points, making them the better option for cooking steak. Furthermore, there are some oils e.g. olive oil or grape seed oil that are healthier alternatives to butter. However, don't expect oil to taste better than butter.

Do you add butter before or after searing steak? ›

Second, by the time your steak is ready the butter will have moved past browned and onto burnt, creating undesirable bitter flavors. Instead, start cooking your steak in the bare pan until it's about 20-30 degrees from your desired doneness, THEN add the butter.

How does Gordon Ramsay cook steak in a skillet? ›

Throw the steak on the cast iron, and let the steak sizzle for about 1 minute, then flip. Keep flipping every minute. Once the internal temperature hits 105ºF, add some butter, rosemary, thyme, and garlic cloves to the skillet, and let it all come together. Scoop some butter over the meat now and then.

Do you oil pan before searing steak? ›

We like to oil the actual steak instead of the pan we cook it in, ditching the middle man and applying our oil of choice directly onto the meat.

Why do chefs put butter on steak? ›

This combination doesn't just add fat; it introduces depth and complexity, enhancing the natural savoriness of the meat. The milk solids in butter brown as they heat, contributing a nutty, caramelized note that complements the umami of the steak.

How long to sear steak before adding butter? ›

Let your steaks cook for 3-4 minutes on each side without touching them. Then, smash 2-4 cloves of fresh garlic and add them to the pan alongside 4 tablespoons of unsalted butter and some sprigs of thyme. Move the pan around and use a spoon to baste the steak with the butter.

Do you cook steak on high heat? ›

Steaks should always be cooked on high temperatures to sear the outside and trap the juices and flavor inside. Steaks should almost always be cooked on a grill or in a pan on high heat: all cooking guidelines below are for one-inch thick steaks.

How much butter to sear a steak? ›

I like to use at least a quarter cup in a 12-inch skillet. Adding butter to the pan a few minutes before it's done cooking is a fine idea.

Do steakhouses put butter on steak? ›

According to a professional chef who spoke to Taste of Home, steakhouses use lots of butter in their cooking, often slathering it over pieces of meat even when the use of butter is not indicated anywhere on the menu. Butter—especially clarified butter—can add taste and even improve the glossy look of a cooked steak.

How long to pan fry steak on each side? ›

Rare: 1½ mins per side. Medium rare: 2 mins per side. Medium: About 2¼ mins per side. Well-done steak: Cook for about 4-5 mins each side, depending on thickness.

Do you cover the skillet when cooking steak? ›

Not when cooking in a pan (unless your pan is HUGE). The steak tends to steam, you want the moisture to escape. If you do want to cover it, at least wait until it's mostly done cooking and remove any juices from the bottom of the pan. The lid can help trap heat and bring the inside to a higher doneness.

How many minutes do you pan sear a steak? ›

Place the steaks 3 to 5 inches from the flame to sear the outside and seal in the juices. Sear the steaks for 2 to 3 minutes on each side. After the steaks have been seared on both sides, remove from heat, and brush both sides with extra virgin olive oil.

How long to sear steak on frying pan? ›

Preheat the pan on medium and brush with oil. Using just 1/2 Tbsp oil reduces splatter. Sear steaks – add steaks and sear each side 3-4 minutes until a brown crust has formed then use tongs to turn steaks on their sides and sear edges (1 min per edge).

What is the best oil for searing steak in a pan? ›

Best Oil for Steak

When cooking steak in cast iron skillets, you want to use oils with a high smoke point like peanut, canola, grapeseed, and avocado oil. These oils all have smoke points over 400 degrees Fahrenheit that can withstand the high heat needed to cook steak.

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Name: Geoffrey Lueilwitz

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Introduction: My name is Geoffrey Lueilwitz, I am a zealous, encouraging, sparkling, enchanting, graceful, faithful, nice person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.